
kuis ima kuis Luwias lalantin uniuna zartiti, awas Laitini awatu
'Who wants to know the language of Luwia, he must come to Leiden.'

*The sentence is translated into Luwian, which is quite closely related to Hittite. Luwian was written in a hieroglyphic script that we present here as an illustration of alternatives to the predominant cuneiform script in which Hittite was written (as well as Akkadian, Sumerian and Hurrian).

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Language name: HittiteNisjili
Language family: Indo-European, Anatolian
Region: Anatolia, now Turkey (from about 1650-1200 B.C.)

Department: Near Eastern Studies (TCMO)
URL Department: http://www.tcmo.leidenuniv.nl
Lecturers: A. Kloekhorst

Course description: Hittite was the language of the Hittites, an Indo-European people from Anatolia. The language was written in cuneiform script and spoken from about 1650-1200 B.C. During the course, students will learn the grammar and the script, after which texts from several periods on various topics will be read.
Total duration: 2 semesters; extension possible.
Course frequency: The courses are taught every year.

Reading Year 1Year 2
Credit (in ECTS): 84
Course hours in total: 3926
Highest course level: C1

Class types: Tutorials.
Examination types: Written, papers.
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