
Language name: Urartean
Language family: Hurro-Urartean. Current research tries to find a connection between this isolated group and the Eastern Causasian languages.
Region: Eastern-Turkey and Armenia (period: roughly 1000-640 B.C.)

Department: Near Eastern Studies (TCMO)
URL Department: http://www.tcmo.leidenuniv.nl
Lecturers: W.H. van Soldt

Course description: Urartean, written in cuneiform script, is known to us from inscriptions found in eastern Turkey and Armenia (from about 1000-640 B.C.). The language is related to Hurrian. In this course, students will learn the grammar and the script, after which some Urartean texts will be read.
Total duration: 1 semester. Extensions possible.
Course frequency: The course will be taught when enough students register for it.

Reading Year may vary
Credit (in ECTS): 4
Course hours in total: 26
Highest course level: A2

Class types: Tutorials
Examination types: Written or a paper.
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