
Loqadda waxaad ka baran kartaa Leiden
'Leiden is where you study languages.'

Language name: SomaliSomali
Language family: Afro-Asiatic, East Cushitic, Somali.
Region: Somalia, Ethiopia.

Department: African languages and cultures
URL Department:
Lecturer: M. Mous

Course description: These courses are in preparation. Please contact the department for more information. Click here to go to a Somalian website with an article about the course.
Total duration: 2 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses aren't taught on a yealy basis. Please contact the lecturer.

Speaking/Reading/Writing Year may vary
Credit (in ECTS): 16
Course hours (per week): 4
Highest course level: Speaking/Reading: B1, Writing: A2

Class types: Tutorial.
Examination types: Oral and written.
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