Old Prussian

Language name: Old Prussian
Language family: Indo-European, Baltic.
Region: Prussia, Germany, until the 17th century.

Department: Comparative Linguistics
URL Department: http://www.vtw.leidenuniv.nl
Lecturers: R.H. Derksen, F. Kortlandt

Course description: This course forms an introduction to the relatively unknown Old Prussian language. Students will get acquainted with some of the scarce Old Prussian materials that were handed down to us, and learn about the linguistic and historical backgrounds of these texts. At the end of the course, students will be expected to be able to translate a random passage from one of the three catechisms.
Total duration: 2 semesters.
Course frequency: The course will be taught when enough students are interested.

Reading Year may vary
Credit (in ECTS): 17,2
Course hours in total: 52
Highest course level: ?

Class types: Lectures.
Examination types: Oral.
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