Modern Chinese

xue2yu3 yan2lai2Lai2 dun4
'Come to Leiden to learn a language.'

*On the second line in the example you can find a transcript of the sentence in Pinyin, which is the common way to write Chinese with the letters of our alphabet. The numbers above the words represent tones. In Chinese, the tones are of the utmost importance, since changing the tone with which you pronounce a word may change its meaning.

Click here to listen to the example

Language name: Modern Chinese Hanyu, Zhongwen
Language family: Sino-Tibetan, Chinese.
Region: China.

Department: Chinese
URL Department:
Lecturers: C.H. Lin, A.S. Keijser, J.M. Wiedenhof, y.z. Zhang

Course description: Speaking:
At the end of the second year, students will be able to hold a conversation in Chinese on a variety of general topics. They will have internalised a vocabulary of 2500-3000 words, as well as many common Chinese proverbs, idioms, and other constructions used in the spoken language. Students will be kept up to date with the latest developments in the field of spoken Mandarin.
Reading and writing:
At the end of the second semester of year 2, students will be expected to be able to read simple contemporary texts.
In the third and fourth year, optional courses are offered in which language skills can be further developed. The programme may vary from student to student.
Total duration: 6 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses are taught every year.

Speaking Year 1Year 2Year 3
Credit (in ECTS): included in reading/writing4max. 12
Course hours per week: included in reading/writing2max. 6
Highest course level: 200
Reading/Writing Year 1Year 2Year 3
Credit (in ECTS): 25912max. 12
Course hours per week: 104max. 6
Highest course level: 200

Class types: Tutorials.
Examination types: Written and oral, active language use, translations etc.
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