Classical Chinese

Language name: Classical ChineseWenyan, Gudai hanyu
Language family: Sino-Tibetan, Chinese.
Region: China; language of scholarly writing, compare Latin or Greek, but then with a longer tradition.

Department: Chinese
URL Department:
Lecturers: B.J. Mansvelt Beck, P. van Els

Course description: The courses start in the second semester of year 1 with an introduction to Classical Chinese writing. In the first semester of the second year some texts from the fourth century B.C. are studied, grammar studies are finalized and the student works on the acquisition of a basic vocabulary. In the second semester, texts from other periods will be studied.
Total duration: Minimally 3, maximally 5 or 6 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses are taught every year.

Reading Year 1Year 2Year 3
Credit (in ECTS): 56max. 12
Course hours per week: 43max. 6
Highest course level: 200

Class types: Tutorials.
Examination types: Written translation; test of source usage.
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