Old Church Slavic

Language name: Old Church Slav(on)ic
Language family: Indo-European, Slavic, South-Eastern.
Region: Old Church Slav(on)ic is used as the liturgical language of several Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic churches.

Department: Comparative Linguistics
URL Department: http://www.vtw.leidenuniv.nl
Lecturer: R.H. Derksen

Course description: The course offers an introduction to the historical grammar of Old Church Slavic. It furthermore aims at familiarizing the student with the structure of Old Church Slavic, such that s/he can read manuscripts with the help of a dictionary.
Total duration: 2 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses are taught once in every two years.

Reading Year may vary
Credit (in ECTS): 8,6
Course hours in total: 26
Highest course level: ?

Class types: Lectures.
Examination types: Oral.
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