Old English

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Language name: Old English
Language family: Indo-European, West Germanic, English.
Region: England (700-1100 AD).

Department: English
URL Department: http://www.engels.leidenuniv.nl
Lecturers: R.H. Bremmer, S.G. van Romburgh

Course description: Old English is the earliest form of the English language. It developed from the languages of the Germanic, Anglo-Saxon tribes that settled in Britain in the 5th century. From the 7th century onwards, Old English writing generally developed, resulting in a rich body of diverse literature. The end of the Old-English (or Anglo-Saxon) era was heralded by the invasion of William the Conqueror in 1066. After this event we see Old English change into Middle English in the relatively short timespan of 100 years. In this course, a wide variety of Old English texts, like verses from the bible and passages from the Anglo-Saxon chronicles, will be used to introduce the student to the grammar and sound patterns of Old English, as well as to Old English literature and its cultural and historical background. The approach will be thematic, so that some attention can also be devoted to subjects like archaeology, the study of place names and the daily lives of the Anglo-Saxons.
Total duration: 2 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses are taught every year.

Reading Year 2
Credit (in ECTS): 8
Course hours per week: 2
Highest course level: 200

Class types: Tutorials.
Examination types: Course 1: computer exam + small translation. Course 2: translation and essay questions on literature, history and culture.
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