American English


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Language name: American EnglishAmerican English
Language family: Indo-European, West Germanic, English.
Region: United States

Department: English
URL Department:
Lecturers: R. Lankamp and D. Smakman

Course description: Only the mandatory courses in the language acquisition component of the Bachelor programme are considered here. It is possible to further train one's command of the language through extra courses that are offered outside the BA programme. There are three components: (1) acquisition of vocabulary (self-study) (2) Lectures and tutorials on academic writing (3) language lab (pronunciation, fluency and listening skills). Students who have a North-American background, or those with a special interest in North America may register. All other students join the British programme.
Total duration: 6 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses are taught every year.

Speaking Year 1Year 2Year 3
Credit (in ECTS): 444
Course hours per week: 211
Highest course level: C2
Reading/Writing Year 1Year 2Year 3
Credit (in ECTS): 444
Course hours per week: 312
Highest course level: C2

Class types: Language laboratory, lectures, tutorials.
Examination types: Oral and written exams; Papers.
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