
'In Leiden you hear the instruction in words.'
*Italics denote the stressed part of the sentence.

Language name: Egyptian
Language family: Afro-Asiatic.
Region: Egypt (New Egyptian: about 1300-650 B.C.)

Department: Near Eastern Studies (TCMO)
URL Department:
Lecturers: B.J.J. Haring, J. van der Vliet, R. van Walsem

Course description: Introductory Middle Egyptian: introduction to grammar and writing
Reading Middle Egyptian: texts
Classical Egyptian I and II: texts
New Egyptian: introduction to grammar, texts
Hieratic paleography: texts
Hieroglyphic epigraphy: texts
Coptic: introduction to grammar and writing, texts
Tutorial (subject changes yearly): analyses of texts in historical/archaeological context.
Total duration: 6 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses are taught every year.

Reading Year 1Year 2Year 3
Credit (in ECTS): 242816
Course hours in total: 130156104
Highest course level: 400

Class types: Tutorials.
Examination types: Written and oral.
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