
'Leiden is where you study languages.'

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Language name: GermanDeutsch
Language family: Indo-European, West Germanic, Continental.
Region: Germany, Austria (and smaller language communities in neighbouring countries)

Department: German
URL Department:
Lecturers: A. Visser, J.W. Onderdelinden, J.M. Meier

Course description: Speaking:
Idiom, conversation, pronunciation, listening skills.
Learning how to write different types of text for various target groups.
Total duration: 5 semesters.
Course frequency: The courses are taught every year.

Speaking/Reading/Writing Year 1Year 2Year 3
Credit (in ECTS): 20128
Course hours per week: 94/32
Highest course level: Speaking, Writing: C1, Reading: C2.

Class types: Lectures and tutorials.
Examination types: Written and oral.
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